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Open Space Committee Minutes 11/14/2008
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: November 14, 2008

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:40 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Ted Crosby, Robert DePianta, George James, and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance. Also present for part of the meeting was Anson Clinton to discuss with OSC a plan regarding properties owned by Kus, Foster and Tooker.

Diana reported the resignations from OSC for reasons of poor health of Judi Glover and Connie Kastelowitz. Diana has notified Tim Griswold of the vacancies on OSC and will also post an announcement of the vacancy on open space page of the Town website.

Upon motion by George and second by Ted the minutes of the October 10, 2008 meeting were approved by vote

a) Ames property
Diana reported that she had met with Steve Ames and told him that the Town cannot meet his price for his property. Amanda asked if a previous intended transfer of Ames property was on record. Diana reported that it was not in the land records and that there was no letter of intent on file. Diana was to contact Marylin Clarke to determine if a letter concerning this point was part of the Ames file.

b) Peterson property
Diana reported that Andy French, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, had expressed no interest in discussing plans for the Peterson Preserve at this time and had indicated that any OSC plan for an exchange purchase should be presented as a complete specific proposal. She also noted that she and Christina had visited the Peterson studio and verified its condition as Roger Peterson had left it when he died. It was noted that the Peterson house and studio property is now being offered as two parcels with asking prices of $895k for the house and $350k for the studio. In discussion there was agreement that there does not appear to be any Town-owned property of potential interest to Fish and Wildlife for an exchange purchase.

There was discussion of possible preservation plans for the Peterson studio. Ted mentioned an earlier plan of Linda and Mimi Westervelt to develop the Peterson studio and property as an eco-tourism destination. The discussion focus evolved into recognition of a need for an interest group, i.e., “Friends of Roger Tory Peterson”, to take responsibility for development of a plan for preservation of the studio in both the near and long term. Diana and Christina plan to speak again with Jeff Anderson about this.

a) Short Hills development
Diana noted that there has been no further activity.

b) Marsh property subdivision
The subdivision application has been withdrawn

c) Four Ponds development
Development plans have been abandoned and there has been interest in a potential purchaser of the property who would like to build a limited-stay vehicle campground on the property.

d) Lord’s Woods development
Diana reported that stakes are in place marking the agreed parking location for access to open space. Robert inquired about status of payment on reparation fee for damage to open space. Diana said there has been payment of $5k and we’re owed $75k by the end of 2008. She noted also that Inland Wetlands Commission is satisfied with the restoration of the wetlands.

e) Old Lyme Heights subdivision
The development application has been withdrawn

f) Broad Brook development
The application has been approved

OLCT report
Contained below under the trail book description.

Guest: Anson Clinton
For information purposes, Anson Clinton outlined for OSC a plan for development of Kus, Foster, Woodhead, Eklund, and Tooker property off of Route 1. The plan calls for a partnership between the Town and the property owners for development of the property, in which the Town would construct a nonconforming road (lower level of finish) but to state width and grade specifications from the Short Hills Development to Route 1, and the lots along the road would be developed with 5 acre zoning along the road and ten acre zoning for back lots. The town engineer would establish the lots at town expense. Those land owners who opt not to participate in this town plan would use the normal subdivision application process.

Trail Book
Peter and Christina provided a status of the trail book project, which OLCT has endorsed following the revised plan to include upgrades to the maps in the new book. The mapping plan is to gather GPS trail location data this winter using volunteer teams, and employ a combination of GIS and commercial mapping software to produce the maps, again using volunteer help. Peter will meet with George James to identify a recommended list of trails to be included in the new book. Christina, Peter and Ted will develop further the plan for producing the maps. Amanda noted that there might be an opportunity to get the costs of the book underwritten by a single commercial donor.

Old Business
a) Greenways submission to State
Ted reported that GIS data, which are not complete, submitted to OPM had been incorporated in the State Conservation and Development Map.

b) Trails Grant
George reported that the trails grant application, applied for more than four years ago, had been accepted and approved but that no authorization of funds for the project had been obtained from DEP.

c) I-95 expansion
There was no report because Ted Kiritsis was not present.

d) Champlain North and South Event
Diana read a draft invitation letter she had composed, which would be sent to neighboring residents and which describes the event consisting of a tour of the open space, led by Evan Griswold, and describing the features and advantages of conservation easements. The walk would be followed by refreshments. A date for the event has not yet been selected although late March was suggested as it precedes tax time.

New Business
a) Open space proposal to Zoning Commission
George has proposed that no more than 20% of area required for open space should be wetlands in order to avoid the familiar experience of developers designating already protected wetland as required open space, thereby nullifying, in effect, the open space requirement. There was general agreement about limiting the amount of wetlands in a development that can be designated open space. Diana suggested an alternative constraint on wetlands designated as open space: Diana proposed that the percent of designated open space that is wetlands be no more than the percentage of the total development property that is wetlands. Diana will draft a proposed addendum to the zoning regulations.

b) Regional Plan of Conservation and Development
Diana showed a map of Old Lyme from CRERPA with designations of areas identified for growth and development and areas marked for conservation and preservation. CRERPA, as indicated in a October 1, 2008 letter from Linda Krause to the Old Lyme Planning, Zoning and Conservation Commissions, intends to meet with the commission chairs to (1) coordinate the link between the State Conservation and Development Map and Town’s plans for development and conservation; (2) determine the top ten priorities to be enacted by the Town from the commissions’ perspectives; (3) identify the Town’s perception of its principal identity in the region; and (4) demonstrate tools the Town can use in planning and zoning. It was generally agreed that the State Conservation and Development Map was not accurate with regard to the designation of the different areas in Old Lyme. Diana asked OSC members for inputs regarding priorities for Town enactment and perceptions of Old Lyme’s principal identity.

c) Kus property stump dump cleanup
Diana reported that Tim Griswold will engage the law firm that previously examined the issue of responsibility for the stump dump to reexamine those responsibilities with regard to cleanup. George noted that, in the past, he was unable to locate a finalized version of the contract between the Town and Kus identifying responsibilities.

At 11:25, on a motion by Robert second by Ted, it was voted to adjourn the meeting. Once again, the planned walk of the Ames Preserve following the meeting was deferred.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable